Why Linking To Your Sources Helps Your Source — Link Juice

Posted on November 12, 2019November 12, 2019Categories Uncategorized
A picture of juice representing link juice from wikimedia commons under Creative Commons license,

Have you ever written an article and had sources, but didn’t link to them? If you’ve done that, you’ve taken link juice away from your source. Link juice is when one site links to another site. Some search engines find linking to other sites as giving them a vote of confidence and raising their authority if your site has good authority in the eyes of search engines, which includes Google.

do not make a bunch of fake sites or pay for your links to be everywhere as bad link juice can hurt a site, just like good link juice from a well known source, can help boost your sites trust or authority with Google.

Why are links so important? Links is one way of saying, we like this person and lending some of your authority to that person. There are multiple types of link juice, which are all uniquely different but have the same underlying vote of confidence to the search engines.

What if I link telling search engines not to follow that link with no-follow?

No-follow is used for the purpose of linking to a source, but then saying to the search engine “hey, don’t follow that link”, which means under normal circumstances you keep your link juice and the search engine does not transfer anything to them, positively or negatively.

we hope this post on links and authority has helped you. We will be posting again soon.