PowerPress Joins Battle Against Yoast Hurting Customers Online Visibility

Posted on January 12, 2019January 14, 2019Categories technology, yoast seoTags , , , ,

PowerPress, a large podcasting company for WordPress has announced on Yoasts GitHub that they’re making a fix for the Yoast issue hurting their customers visibility online. Our software airtight security a fixes that for sitemaps and will fixing it for podcasts in approximately 24 hours. PowerPress is solely focusing on the podcast side of this battle with Yoast showing that it is hurting podcasters, as they have the dataset showing the visibility issue to podcast users. They don’t have the dataset that we do focusing on regular website visibility for the average user, so we understand their statement. We also understand that no one, including us takes on a big company without a large dataset to back up what we are saying. So, PowerPress choosing only to defend podcast users makes sense, due to their dataset. And now let’s see their statement.

I have a pre-release version of PowerPress that fixes this issue. Please contact me cio [at] rawvoice dot com for the link if you would like to test/use.
For those who want to wait, this feature will be released PowerPress 7.4.1 in 1-4 weeks, depending on how fast testers get back to us how the fix worked out for them.
For a regular website I get it, the feeds should not be indexed. For a podcast though this prevents your podcast from getting onto Google Podcasts, which is a big deal especially since podcasts may soon to be treated as 1 class citizens in search, similar to youtube videos.

We knew our podcast had visibility issues, but did not did not have the data to support the hypothesis until recently. Our podcast wasn’t visible so we moved on to other venues of communication. We didn’t mention podcasts in our original post about sitemap visibility, since we don’t collect that data.

You can use our software Airtight Security to fix this issue for podcasts and your sitemap or try and join PowerPress if you use their software.

Planet Zuda podcast 6: Some Open Source Code is like Poisoned Food & Rise Of Mac Malware

Posted on March 14, 2018March 14, 2018Categories cyber security, information security, podcast, podcasts, technologyTags , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Some open source code is like food poisoning by getting food off the road from a random person. It will make you puke your brains out is a good analogy to explain how insecure the majority of the code written by individuals is and how you can lose everything. Other open source code from companies is more along the lines of getting food from a food truck, which is a company and the majority of companies try to deliver a safe product and not one that is the equivalent of food poisioning.

Macintosh Malware is on the rise. In 2017 Macintosh malware rose 270 percent in one year. If anyone tries to tell you Macintosh is bullet proof, they are wrong.

Podcast cyber security & Technology: United Nations, IOTA, Oculus, Oh My!

Posted on March 8, 2018April 6, 2021Categories united nationsTags , , , , , , , , ,

In our latest podcast we cover the lack of security in the United Nations site, and a few IOTA security issues. In our Technology segment we covered how all Oculus Rifts aren’t working due to an expired security certificate and the new Oculus Rift that will be coming out. We also discussed augmented reality app Do Not Touch by Nickelodeon. Enjoy the podcast and subscribe, so you get everything straight to your inbox, including podcasts.