Ethereum Smart Contract Preventing Other Solidity Contracts From Hacking You

Posted on August 25, 2021August 25, 2021Categories web securityTags ,

An Ethereum Smart Contract is written in Solidity, and has many built in-security features. In this article we are discussing a security feature, which is a specific Ethereum modifier that stops people from writing another smart contract that can interact with yours.

What is an Ethereum modifier?

It is in layman terms, built-in functions you can use in your own contract. While some smart contracts need to allow other Smart contracts to communicate with them, others it poses a great security risk to them. The Ethereum Modifier in Ethereum Smart Contracts called OnlyOwner is a great security feature. The name is very straightforward, There is Only the Owner of the Contract should be able to make changes.

modifier onlyOwner { require(msg.sender == owner); _; }

Great, now you have the modifier available to use, if you put this in your contract, but now you need to actually use it, not just have it there. If you’re writing a solidity file called Owned, then you should have the line that says

function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner {

        owner = newOwner;

and in Congress.sol, you should put

contract Congress is owned, tokenRecipient {
/// your stuff here }

This works great, if you are following the Solidity Style guide, which is where the code snippets are from. Always follow the Solidity Styles whenever possible.

Hopefully this quick review of the Ethereum Smart contract modifier OnlyOwner has been helpful for you when writing your contract in Solidity. We understand this isn’t always an option, which is why we have a lot more articles coming soon for you.